Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Since I'm here blogging today, I might as well add a few thoughts... Jeni mentioned that she heard that 3 kids really changes your life. Well, I do consider myself a Mom of 6 because we have the older kids every other week, but because of the age gap and the fact that the older ones aren't here all the time... I find myself alone with my 3 year old, two year old, and newborn most of the time. Is life different? Oh my, yes! Thankfully, Brianna is sweet and calm a lot of the time because William and Lyden are crazy troublemakers! Just like Tyler & Niels have always been partners in crime, William and Lynden are inseparable little terrors that keep me running all day long. It's hard to stock enough cleaning supplies with them around. It's not that I'm a bad mother, I think I do pretty well... most of the time. Sometimes when I'm working at the computer, or trying to complete some other task, I find myself choosing the lesser of two evils. Let me explain, I have to backtrack a bit... When it was just William, I had more time to follow him around, keeping him in check and preventing messes. With two boys, I was outnumbered, and the two of them ran circles around me; I did my best to prevent disasters and was sucessful about 1/2 the time. Now, I have three and Brianna's just a newborn so I can just imagine what's in store in a year from now. I try to get work done or nurse the baby and inevitably, William & Lynden get into something and go dashing by on their way to cause havoc and make some big mess to clean up. So now I have to choose... Hmmm... I'll bet it'll only take 5 minutes to clean up the mess they're going to make with that box of crackers and it will occupy them for at least 15 minutes. So I finish what I'm doing! So Jeni... that is the difference between 2 and 3 kids! After the third, it just doesn't matter anymore... you and your husband are already outnumbered and from there it's just semi-organized chaos. The older ones get bigger and help with the little ones and when you all go out togethor you're going to get stares of wonder and a few knowing smiles. It's all worth it...

Oh, before I go I have to mention that I am officially beginning my battle against the baby weight! The other day William said to me "Mommy, when you bend over you have four tummies!"


Jeni said...

Ok, I get the point; messy, outnumbered and all around crazy! I would guess that you are pretty good at crowd control by now, huh? BTW, you are right about the mother of 6thing, but 2 toddlers and one baby spells INSANITY to me! Oh wait! I am about to be in the same baot! ;) Wish we lived closer.


Jeni said...

sorry, boat not baot.